Encore Boutique Sports Fall Fashions
We Now Have The Pictures To Prove It!
Yes, dear readers, through much brow
beating and public dissing, we have
finally been rewarded with pictures of some of the new fall fashions that are
coming in EVERY DAY at Encore Boutique.
We finally had to physically put the camera IN her purse and call to REMIND her to TAKE THE PICTURES.
It is NOT OUR FAULT that customers are coming into the shop CRYING to see the NEW FASHIONS and since they couldn’t see them on the email, they had to come
into the shop and … wait, we want the customers to come into the shop and if they …
Please stand by. We’re having technical difficulties.
Thank you for your patience. Here are some wonderfully arranged and dramatic
pictures of JUST A FEW of theTERRIFIC Fall and Winter fashions we have
available at Encore Boutique. More are coming in EVERY DAY! Come on in and see
them all – and they look MUCH BETTER in PERSON!
No Photographers Were Harmed During the Taking of These Pictures of Wild Faux Animal Skins
All precautions recommended by the ASPCFA were taken to ensure the safety of
all involved.
Wild and Hot – Just Right for the Season
The F stands for faux. In case you were wondering.
Don’t Forget – Designer Fashions and Accessories
20% Off All September Long!
Some new handbags have come in, as well as some beautiful scarves, shoes, and other accessories.
All designer items 20% off this month.
All Summer items 50% this month.
We can’t show you everything – and we didn’t even use all the photos she took!
Come on inĀ – and be sure to say hi to the photographer!
(That would be Patti.)
See you soon!